Bill & Manage Your Social Media Marketing Clients

Sell service subscriptions, deliver tasks each month, and share your reports with clients…

Projects overview of SMM services
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Forms to collect brand information from clients

Simplify client onboarding with powerful, customizable intake forms.

SMMA forms to collect information
Victoria Lee
SPP has been key to scaling up my social media agency. Since joining SPP, our client base has grown by 215%. It allows us to easily sell services, manage client and team communications, organize payment subscriptions, and run our affiliate scheme.
Victoria Lee, Founder
100 Pound Social

Client-side team collaboration

Let your clients invite coworkers and get project updates.

Client view showing team collaboration
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Assign projects to different team members

See who's responsible and track their progress.

Manager view of assigned tasks
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Share files and reports in a client portal

Give your clients one place to access all their deliverables.

SMMA embedded Klipfolio report
Embed external reports
Use Klipfolio, Looker Studio, and other tools for your reporting.
Upload & share unlimited files
Attach files to your projects so your data is in one place.
Customize client portal pages
Use the template editor to make adjustments to client pages.

Reporting Integrations

DashThis Whatagraph AgencyAnalytics
Looking to display social media reports? Check out all our reporting integrations and choose the one that works best for you.

Manage and track content creation tasks

Create step-by-step checklists for your team

Track social media content creation tasks
Team notes & reactions
Sometimes, an emoji is enough to acknowledge a message.
Project & task deadlines
Set independent deadlines for projects and tasks.
Send client reports
Embed client reports or send them in a message.
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Ready to give it a try?

You're in good company. SPP is helping agencies like yours sell millions of dollars in services every week.

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