white label SEO

White Label SEO: Everything You Need to Know about SEO Reseller Services

Key points

  1. White-label SEO refers to the practice of outsourcing SEO services to a third-party provider who performs the work under an agency’s brand name.
  2. Using white-label SEO services can help agencies save time, improve their SEO results, and offer additional value to their clients.
  3. When choosing a white-label SEO provider, it is important to consider their level of expertise, the quality of their work, and their overall reputation.

People like to proclaim the “death of [insert digital channel here].” A lot. But the reality of the matter is that most of the channels merely adapt to changing behaviors and technologies.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is no exception. Despite the numerous changes it has faced in the last decade, SEO continues to be one of the most effective digital channels. What is more, many companies have discovered the potential of white label servicing, especially in the SEO world.

It’s not surprising that so much effort and money is put into SEO, after all 68% of B2B marketers mentioned in Hubspot’s 2023 State of Marketing Report that SEO is their best-performing channel in 2022.

With that said, what exactly is is white label SEO, how does it work, and what are the benefits of a white label SEO solution?

I’ve created this guide specifically to answer those questions, and help those looking to provide SEO services without having to hire new talent.

What is SEO white labeling?

SEO white labeling is a type of service that allows an agency or freelancer to offer SEO services to clients without having to do the actual work themselves. It involves outsourcing the entire process from start to finish, and then rebranding it as their own work or product.

For example, let’s say you run a content marketing agency. Your expertise is in content strategy and content production, but providing an end-to-end service to your customers also means that you sometimes need the help of SEO experts.

Learn about our white label form builder and how it can help you expand your agency.

To avoid having to build an in-house team of SEO professionals, you can use white label services. These allow you to outsource your SEO packages, from research and keyword analysis to content optimization and link building. What’s more, the entire process is seamlessly built from A to Z, so you can resell these services through a white label partner as if they were part of your own agency’s offer.

How does SEO white labeling work for an agency?

SEO reselling and white labeling can take many forms, but the most common approach involves a three-party system.

  • The first party is the SEO provider: They are responsible with the actual SEO efforts (SEO strategy, research, keyword research, on-page optimization, off-page link building, technical SEO, local SEO, and so on.)

  • The second party is the company that wants to resell SEO services: This party will usually provide the project brief, including the target keywords and any other requirements that need to be covered in order for the SEO campaign to be successful. They will also be client-facing and need to handle customer support.

  • The third party is the client: This is the company or individual that needs SEO services and for whom the project will be delivered.

To make sure your SEO reseller services are successful, you need to ensure a seamless process—especially for the end customer. They should never feel like they’re being serviced by two entities.

As such, the SEO white label agency or service provider needs to be in perfect communication with the client-facing agency. This also means they might have to use white label tools that help with their SEO reseller program.

For example, here’s how our reseller module works:

  1. The end-client orders an SEO package from a reseller

  2. The reseller’s software automatically calls your SPP API

  3. You receive the order as if you’d get it directly from the client

  4. You complete and deliver the order as you normally would

  5. The SEO reseller lets the client know their order is completed

SPP reseller service import

In a process like this, the end-client gets what they need, when they need it. You get to sell SEO services, build a stronger relationship with your clients, and get more referrals. As for the white label provider, they get to do what they like most (SEO) without dealing with the challenges of marketing, sales, or customer support.

Benefits of using white label SEO services

There are many benefits to buying white label SEO services:

  • As an agency, you can include new SEO packages in your offer without having to build an in-house team. This will save a lot of time, money and resources that can be invested elsewhere in your firm. It also allows you to keep your SEO services pricing lower and more attractive for your clients.

  • You can keep your customers happy and provide great results in a timely way.

  • The SEO service provider or agency can have access to more work without having to invest in marketing, sales, or customer service.

  • The customer will be able to get the services they need without having to hire a dedicated team for that. It’s more cost and time-effective, and they’ll get better results.

Overall, the white labeling process is much simpler and more efficient than hiring two different companies or building in-house teams. White label SEO is also a great way to add extra value and gain more visibility in the market. By offering comprehensive digital marketing services, your clients will be more likely to stay with you for the long run.

How do you choose a white label SEO partner?

If you are starting a digital marketing agency and are looking for a white label provider, it’s important to make sure you are choosing the right service provider for your projects.

They should act as your white label SEO partner and enable you to brand their services as if your own. This also includes help getting set up through an onboarding process.


With that said, finding a good white label SEO service can feel confusing. You want to associate yourself with someone who offers the best quality (as you cannot risk your reputation.) But you also want to make sure your SEO partner is ready to white label their services.

Good to know

Here are some criteria to use when choosing a white-label SEO partner.

White label SEO reseller management

Your partner SEO firm or service provider should have a white label SEO program capable to handle reseller management services. In other words, they should be already set up and ready to receive white label orders from you—and deliver them according to your standards. This includes all the tools and processes to make sure the orders get delivered on time, and that you can easily keep track of them.

Further reading

Team and expertise

You want to work with an SEO team that really knows what they are doing. Look for a white label SEO firm that can manage large, complex projects with a combination of technical, creative and analytical skills. Make sure their SEO specialists can cover everything SEO-related: on-page optimization, link building, etc.

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Furthermore, make sure they are actually experienced in what they do. Search engine optimization might seem simple when you look at it from the outside, but it takes a lot of time, experience and knowledge to do it well. Moreover, it takes a keen eye to detail and continuous learning, as the SEO landscape tends to change (and quite a lot, given how often search engines update their algorithms.)

Flexible delivery model

The chosen white label SEO company should be able to offer a flexible delivery model that suits your needs. That could include anything from a self-service portal to bespoke packages, depending on the size of the project and the services required. They should also be able to offer a transparent, predictable and reliable delivery process, so you always know what is going on with the project.

With SPP’s reseller module, there are two options you can make use of:

  1. One allows the white label provider to communicate with your clients. This is great for agency’s looking for a more hands-off approach.

  2. The other posts messages as team notes, so you’ll have to do the final delivery to your client.

SEO tracking and reporting

Since the SEO firm will be the one that handles all things SEO, they should also be able to offer white label SEO reports and tracking. This is very important, as your SEO clients will want to see how they are doing in the search engine rankings, and that you can provide them with accurate data.


Furthermore, make sure your white label SEO partner also has SEO software for agencies and tools they need to ensure the accuracy of their work and reporting.

AgencyAnalytics logo
Embed AgencyAnalytics reports in your client portal.
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Google Analytics is fine, but there are many other tools out there that make SEO tracking easier to manage.

Excellent communication

All the tools and expertise in the world cannot replace good communication. Your white label SEO provider should be able to communicate with you in an open, transparent, and honest way, so that you can ensure optimum results for your project. They should also be able to keep you up-to-date on the progress of the project, as well as any changes, impediments, or challenges that might occur along the way.

Social proof and reviews

Look for a white label SEO agency that has positive reviews and testimonials. They should be able to showcase the experience of their customers, so you can get a better understanding of how their work impact their clients.

Inline image

Whenever possible, ask your white label SEO firm to put you in contact with previous or existing clients as well—this will help you get an accurate overview of their skills and expertise. Or simply check their website for customer testimonials.

Package and specialties

Your partner agency should also be able to provide white label SEO packages that cover the entire range of SEO specialties. This helps you avoid having to hire a different agency or provider when you run into specific SEO projects, like SEO link building or local SEO, for example.

The HOTH logo
Resell HOTH services through your SPP client portal.

Some companies have gone above and beyond with their offering. The HOTH white label functionality for instance integrated with SPP’s client portal. It’s easy to import supported services and start reselling within minutes.

Volume pricing and discounts

Last, but not least, you want your chosen white label SEO solution to be affordable. While you don’t want to go for the cheapest service there is, settle on an SEO agency that offers volume pricing and discounts.

Crowdo resellers special offer

This will allow you to resell SEO services to your clients in an efficient and cost-savvy way.

White label SEO FAQ

Who are the best white label SEO providers?

Some of the leading and best upcoming white label SEO providers is The HOTH which targets resellers specifically, as well as Ranked.ai and Contentellect.

What are the benefits of using white label SEO services?

Companies that choose to offer white-labeled SEO services can extend their service offering without the costs of hiring professionals to do the job. Instead, they only need to partner up with a white label SEO provider, and resell their services.

How do you choose a white label SEO provider?

Those who want to enter a white label SEO partnership with a company should research the available providers. Narrow down the potential partners by their experience, team, client reviews, project delivery, reporting, and reseller management.

What is an SEO reseller program?

An SEO reseller program allows agencies to provide SEO services without having to create their own in-house SEO team. Instead, a partner agency fulfills all SEO related services.

How does white label SEO work?

After partnering up with an agency that offers white label SEO, they usually invite their new partner into a portal where everything can be managed. The client portal usually facilitates placing orders, communication, and project management.

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Those who decide to outsource their search engine optimization and partner with a white label company reap all the benefits that come with providing effective SEO services to their clients—without all the hassle. It’s a win-win, really. You get to offer the services your clients need without paying to hire, train, and manage an army of SEO specialists. More even, you can outsource SEO and sell these services under your brand, in a seamless way for the end-customer.

As for those who decide to provide white label SEO services, you’re in luck. The demand for quality search engine optimization will only continue to increase over the following years, and the best white label SEO firms are looking at profitable futures. An experienced white label SEO partner can focus on the specifics of search engine optimization without spending on marketing their services, paying for an account manager, or even dealing with the customer care themselves. 

Regardless of which side you may be on, white labeling can help you—and it’s more than worth considering!

Avatar of Deian Isac
Head of Agency Success
Having worked as a content writer for 8+ years, Deian has partnered up with a lot of different agencies for content production. He understands their processes and now helps agencies scale up their operations with SPP. Besides his success activities, he also manages the content strategy of Service Provider Pro, writes captivating blog posts himself, and produces case studies.

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