Client Teams

Clients can add members to their team who are automatically notified about orders. Client team members can be coworkers, the accounting department, or anyone else who needs to stay up to date with orders.

How to add client team members

To add members to a client team, click on your profile photo in the top right hand corner, and choose “Your team.”

SPP client team - add

Next, click on the “Add” button, add the first and last name, as well as the email address. You can also give team members specific permissions:

add client team member

On login, SPP will send them a one-time login link which they can click to sign in instantly.

After a successful login, they can set a password or keep signing in via email.

Client team member restrictions

Once somebody has been added to a team, they cannot create a team of their own. However, they can still place orders through their personal account without restrictions.

Anyone who belongs to a team is able to view orders they’re added to, and send messages in those orders. With the right permission, they also have access to invoices (perfect for accountants).

Team members can also

  • submit intake forms, create requests in task-based subscriptions, and collaborate in tickets, but

  • cannot manage payment details.

Manually adding other people to orders

Client's team members are automatically added to all orders and/or tickets but you can also add people to selected orders/tickets manually.

Open an order and click CC: Add.

SPP manual CC steps

CC’d team members can also be removed at any time by clicking on their email address in an order, removing their email address, and saving the changes:

SPP order CC remove steps